Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Rattler Runner Revisited
Okay, okay, okay!! Due to an extraordinary response to my post, "She Who Runs With Rattlesnakes," I have consented to revisit the subject and the location. I was sorry that I didn't happen to run across (pun intended) a rattlesnake on that particular run when I was compiling pictures for that post. It seems as if everyone wants to know more about the rattlesnake which I have seen on other runs, but did not see on this run. So, I ventured entrepidly forth unto the Marble Mine Road with my CoolPix determined to document the evidence of snakitude. Well, as snakes are known to be very independent and free thinking, no rattlesnake showed so much as a scale. However, to calm the masses of blog reading fans, I did find a spectacular and harmless big snake draped serenely across the middle of the road.
So, New Earth Timesers, this one's for you!
-- Laura Solberg
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Rattlesnake in Tree
The recent post by She Who Runs With Rattlesnakes reminded me of this photograph I encountered last week while sorting through my archives. This rattlesnake was coiled up in the branches of a mulberry tree in upper Broad Canyon. Notice the rattles and the "coon tail" stripes. I've never seen a rattlesnake in a tree before or since. Since the tree was loaded with ripe fruit, I suspect the snake was there to hunt birds, though I can't imagine how it would be able to strike from so precarious a position. So... a word to the wise -- just because you don't see a rattlesnake on the ground in front of you, don't assume you're safe! Be alert at all times while hiking in the desert!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
She Who Runs with Rattlesnakes
This is Laura's picture tour of the Marble Mine Road. Across the road from our house is what we fondly call our back yard, hundreds of square miles of BLM land with a rough gravel, poorly maintained road winding its way up into the desert mountains. Many miles back it runs through an old marble mine. Shelah and I go several miles up and back most every day as a treat to oursouls. I thought I would attempt to recreate it visually.
This is the view looking back towards our house a short way up the road. On the left is the road. On the right is a huge erosion caused arroyo. In the middle background is the shining river with its surrounding green belt and Lonely Mountain.
Here is a swell rock by the road that I call the "cow rock" because it looks like a cow napping in the semi-shade.
Here is more of the erosion arroyo with tenacious creosote roots showing. Their roots "walk" them to new footholds, usually underground.
Sadly, here is what is at the bottom of the arroyo. Folks use it as a dump for their dead goat carcasses. No telling why they are dead, they look like perfectly good goats when they first show up.
Two more carcasses, one of them got a burial shroud.
This is the view looking up the road at the "Joel Spot." When my son was an ooch and I wanted him to nap I put him in his car seat and drove us up here where he slept peacefully and I tanked up on gumption and grit by reading Joel Goldsmith, The Infinite Way. I love how the bend in the road seems to beckon one on, come hither, it seems to call.
This is the view looking back down towards home from the Joel Spot. The campfire, left by some modern peace seeker, is the exact spot where I parked the car to draw peace from the vista spread out before me.
A sideways view from the road, the mountains are the Robledos. The bushes are creosote, also known as chapparal. They smell like asphalt pavement when they get wet and are very therapeutic.
Pyramid Peak is obvious. Next to it, to the left is Grape Mountain. Not so obviously named for the grapes G and I ate there once when we had hiked them and us all the way up to the top! On the flat top mesa to the left of Pyramid is a miniscule white dot. That is an immigration monitoring electronic device to deter illegals from coming along.
These are soap tree yuccas. The dark flowers on top are last years seed pods. These will get beautiful white bell-like blooms soon.
This is the view into the bottom part of the soap tree yucca. This is the part that gives it its name. Those white curly fibers can be gathered with extreme care (very sharp prickles) and rubbed into a soapy lather good for body, hair or anything else that is dirty. Or so they say......
Remember the name of this epic journey? Did you think I forgot the rattlesnakes? Wasn't that the main reason you stuck with me so far? Yes, there are frequently rattlesnakes up here on the road. They are mostly neutral to Shelah and me, we say hello and ask politely to pass. They go their way and we go ours. As I run or walk I am constantly scanning the road ahead for deviations in the gravel/dirt patterns, which would be a rattler or sometimes harmless but impressive bull snakes. These sticks made me slow down until I saw they were "snakeoids!" I did not see any rattlers this trip, but stay tuned.
This is the fond farewell bird that ushered me off of the Marble Mine Road and back into the personality known as Laura. When I go up I frequently become aware of being able to leave Laura behind with each step I take into wildnerness and away from life as I have created it. Shelah and I always come back restored, refreshed and renewed. In a pinch, G has been known to say to me, "Laura, you just need to go for a run."
-- Laura Solberg
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Two Lizards Fucking
I know, I should be posting a picture of this, but didn't have my camera with me. I was out in the garden picking a pepper, and I encountered two lizards fucking. The smaller male was riding on top of the female, sort of over to one side. The female remained mobile; she was capable of great speed. This is no doubt a tremendous evolutionary advantage -- stationary fucking lizards are more vulnerable to predators. It made me happy to see an activity that had nothing to do with human reality whatsoever.
A reader of the Gila Sustainability Forum emailed me and requested that I post a bio as part of my column. So I wrote a 600-word synopsis of my saga. (We all have a saga; what's yours?) I'm sure he wanted only a sentence or two, but you know me... everything I write has that mythological quality, and I've got to tell the whole story. I guess I read too much Joseph Campbell at an impressionable age.
Without further fanfare, here it is:
I received a request to explain myself, so here goes:
I have long thought that it would be a nice touch if people would develop the custom of handing out a little bio whenever they met each other. Like a calling card but more extensive. It would speed up the "getting to know you" process. For example, last year a close acquaintance of mine died suddenly. Upon reading his obituary, I realized that we had shared several interests in common that I never knew about. We could have had some great conversations if only we’d known about our mutual interests.
My name is Gordon Solberg. If you say this real fast and slur it a little, it comes out as "Golden Soarbird." This has become an ongoing joke in my family, and I find that "soarbird" makes a good username for a wide variety of applications, including this forum.
My "sustainability saga" began when I was a fledgling planetary astronomer working for Clyde Tombaugh at NMSU. I was doing research on the atmospheric dynamics of the planet Jupiter. But I was also of the age group where I partook of the "sex, drugs, rock and roll" ethos of the era, as well as anti-war protests. I must have gotten a little carried away, because in 1969 the university administration fired me for putting out the campus underground newspaper, The Conscience. The ACLU sued the university on my behalf because my First Amendment rights had been infringed upon, and eventually the university settled out-of-court.
I took my loot and bought my first homestead in the Ozarks, where I lived for 3 years. I missed New Mexico, and moved back to my present microfarm on the bank of the Rio Grande near Radium Springs in 1973, where I have lived ever since.
I am married to Laura Solberg. We support ourselves as beekeepers. We are well-known in the Las Cruces area as the "honey people." Laura is known as the "honey lady" at the Las Cruces Farmer’s Market. I have sold my honey at Organ Mountain Food Co-op since 1977, and have served on the Board of Directors twice.
In addition to beekeeping, I am a serious gardener, orchardist, and builder. I realize that "back to the land" has been considered quaint for many years now; we shall soon see how that turns out. I have always considered myself a pretty hardcore homesteader -- it’s the only way of life that has made sense to me.
Some of you old-timers might remember Dry Country News. I put that out. I also put out Earth Quarterly and Papercrete News. I always got a fair amount of enthusiastic feedback, but always lost too much money to continue. Publishing is a hard business.
Laura and I and another friend started the Las Cruces Peace Vigil in 2002. People are still vigiling today. Later we started a sustainability group, "Living Locally with Less Oil (LLLO) in 2005. I have written many articles for Grassroots Press over the years. I am way to the left of liberal, and a treehugger to boot.
I don’t know if I should even be posting on this forum. I don’t live in the Silver/Mimbres/Gila area, and never will. (It’s a wonderful area, BTW.) I do know a few people in that area, but I’m much more LC oriented, as one would expect. But this forum is the only online sustainability action in the area that I know of, so I thought I’d give it a try.
Why did I start this column? I just wanted to post some of my more soul-oriented stuff. It’s so easy for me to be a hardheaded scientist and businessman. But these writings from the soul have always meant a lot to me, and various people have really liked them over the years. I could just as well post material about various aspects of sustainable living, or about the climate/financial/political/spiritual breakdown that has just barely begin. I could just as well do a column entitled "The Ecopeasant Chronicle" or "Coping with the Crash." But for some reason I felt moved to post my more soul-oriented writings first.
Without further fanfare, here it is:
I received a request to explain myself, so here goes:
I have long thought that it would be a nice touch if people would develop the custom of handing out a little bio whenever they met each other. Like a calling card but more extensive. It would speed up the "getting to know you" process. For example, last year a close acquaintance of mine died suddenly. Upon reading his obituary, I realized that we had shared several interests in common that I never knew about. We could have had some great conversations if only we’d known about our mutual interests.
My name is Gordon Solberg. If you say this real fast and slur it a little, it comes out as "Golden Soarbird." This has become an ongoing joke in my family, and I find that "soarbird" makes a good username for a wide variety of applications, including this forum.
My "sustainability saga" began when I was a fledgling planetary astronomer working for Clyde Tombaugh at NMSU. I was doing research on the atmospheric dynamics of the planet Jupiter. But I was also of the age group where I partook of the "sex, drugs, rock and roll" ethos of the era, as well as anti-war protests. I must have gotten a little carried away, because in 1969 the university administration fired me for putting out the campus underground newspaper, The Conscience. The ACLU sued the university on my behalf because my First Amendment rights had been infringed upon, and eventually the university settled out-of-court.
I took my loot and bought my first homestead in the Ozarks, where I lived for 3 years. I missed New Mexico, and moved back to my present microfarm on the bank of the Rio Grande near Radium Springs in 1973, where I have lived ever since.
I am married to Laura Solberg. We support ourselves as beekeepers. We are well-known in the Las Cruces area as the "honey people." Laura is known as the "honey lady" at the Las Cruces Farmer’s Market. I have sold my honey at Organ Mountain Food Co-op since 1977, and have served on the Board of Directors twice.
In addition to beekeeping, I am a serious gardener, orchardist, and builder. I realize that "back to the land" has been considered quaint for many years now; we shall soon see how that turns out. I have always considered myself a pretty hardcore homesteader -- it’s the only way of life that has made sense to me.
Some of you old-timers might remember Dry Country News. I put that out. I also put out Earth Quarterly and Papercrete News. I always got a fair amount of enthusiastic feedback, but always lost too much money to continue. Publishing is a hard business.
Laura and I and another friend started the Las Cruces Peace Vigil in 2002. People are still vigiling today. Later we started a sustainability group, "Living Locally with Less Oil (LLLO) in 2005. I have written many articles for Grassroots Press over the years. I am way to the left of liberal, and a treehugger to boot.
I don’t know if I should even be posting on this forum. I don’t live in the Silver/Mimbres/Gila area, and never will. (It’s a wonderful area, BTW.) I do know a few people in that area, but I’m much more LC oriented, as one would expect. But this forum is the only online sustainability action in the area that I know of, so I thought I’d give it a try.
Why did I start this column? I just wanted to post some of my more soul-oriented stuff. It’s so easy for me to be a hardheaded scientist and businessman. But these writings from the soul have always meant a lot to me, and various people have really liked them over the years. I could just as well post material about various aspects of sustainable living, or about the climate/financial/political/spiritual breakdown that has just barely begin. I could just as well do a column entitled "The Ecopeasant Chronicle" or "Coping with the Crash." But for some reason I felt moved to post my more soul-oriented writings first.
A Sickening Spectacle
Gosh, could it be that the healthcare "debate" in Congress is designed to make us sick, so that we will need expensive, for-profit healthcare?
At any rate, it takes a lot to get me off my ass and communicate with my congresspeople. I assume that, at best, my emails are read by an intern who checks "pro" or "con" on a clipboard.
Of our three congresspeople:
Udall had a liberal voting record in the House, so I hope he'll vote our way.
Teague is an unknown quantity, though he talked a good talk during the campaign.
Bingaman is a corporate hack. I didn't vote for him last time; I voted for nobody. He'll back some mealy-mouthed "compromise."
Without further ado, here's my email to Teague. The others are similar:
Dear Congressman Teague:
I voted for you because you said you would stand up for the "little guy."
I want Single Payer health care, but realize this is off the table because the process is fundamentally corrupt.
What I want is Public Option -- a strong, robust, no-nonsense Public Option that really provides strong coverage. Like the coverage congresspeople get.
People out here are suffering under the domination of the corrupt for-profit insurance companies. It's time for their domination to end.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you're really made of.
Thank you,
Gordon Solberg
With that stiff challenge at the end, I'm sure they're quaking in their boots! But I'm serious about wanting the same "gold plated" health insurance they get.
At any rate, it takes a lot to get me off my ass and communicate with my congresspeople. I assume that, at best, my emails are read by an intern who checks "pro" or "con" on a clipboard.
Of our three congresspeople:
Udall had a liberal voting record in the House, so I hope he'll vote our way.
Teague is an unknown quantity, though he talked a good talk during the campaign.
Bingaman is a corporate hack. I didn't vote for him last time; I voted for nobody. He'll back some mealy-mouthed "compromise."
Without further ado, here's my email to Teague. The others are similar:
Dear Congressman Teague:
I voted for you because you said you would stand up for the "little guy."
I want Single Payer health care, but realize this is off the table because the process is fundamentally corrupt.
What I want is Public Option -- a strong, robust, no-nonsense Public Option that really provides strong coverage. Like the coverage congresspeople get.
People out here are suffering under the domination of the corrupt for-profit insurance companies. It's time for their domination to end.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you're really made of.
Thank you,
Gordon Solberg
With that stiff challenge at the end, I'm sure they're quaking in their boots! But I'm serious about wanting the same "gold plated" health insurance they get.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Grape Cage
The next year I gave up, removed the wire, and covered each individual cluster with cloth bags. I have never seen these birds since. I assume they're still here, but they're so small, they never catch my eye.
The grape cage was located where my papercrete office is right now, with me in it, typing on my keyboard.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The Greater Depression
Stoneleigh of Automatic Earth says:
"We are headed straight into the teeth of the Greater Depression, which should last many years and should see many of our complex social structures collapse. We will have neither the capital nor the energy to maintain anything like our current standard of living. Credit will be a thing of the past for most people, and access to actual money will be very much diminished as unemployment skyrockets and savings, investments and entitlements are abruptly lost. The effect will be devastating for those with so far to fall."
Sounds a lot of James Howard Kunstler, doesn't it?
It's also what I believe. We will, soon enough, be living in a country with no Social Security, no pensions, no Medicaid, no help from Big Brother of any kind. Because Big Brother (who is owned by the parasite class) will be too broke to help. Which was the intention all along, as we stood idly by.
I concluded some time ago that I was wasting my time sounding any kind of warning, giving financial advice, or posting how-to survival information, because people would simply ignore whatever I had to say. This is why I post mostly pretty pictures with whimsical little captions.
"We are headed straight into the teeth of the Greater Depression, which should last many years and should see many of our complex social structures collapse. We will have neither the capital nor the energy to maintain anything like our current standard of living. Credit will be a thing of the past for most people, and access to actual money will be very much diminished as unemployment skyrockets and savings, investments and entitlements are abruptly lost. The effect will be devastating for those with so far to fall."
Sounds a lot of James Howard Kunstler, doesn't it?
It's also what I believe. We will, soon enough, be living in a country with no Social Security, no pensions, no Medicaid, no help from Big Brother of any kind. Because Big Brother (who is owned by the parasite class) will be too broke to help. Which was the intention all along, as we stood idly by.
I concluded some time ago that I was wasting my time sounding any kind of warning, giving financial advice, or posting how-to survival information, because people would simply ignore whatever I had to say. This is why I post mostly pretty pictures with whimsical little captions.
Dove Drama
Nighthawks on the River
As dusk starts to fall, hundreds of nighthawks congregate over the river, feasting on insects. They swoop hither and thither, and can even hover for a split-second as they snatch a tasty morsel out of the air. They spend most of their time within 3 feet of the water, and sometimes they fly so close to the surface, I don't see how they keep from getting their wings wet.
This is an early-summer "Sign of the Season" for us. It happens every year at this time.
Territorial Mockingbirds
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Church at San Lorenzo
BTW I'm not Catholic, don't believe the ideology, and consider the Catholic Church as an institution, like most large institutions, to be irredeemably corrupt. With its anti-birth control policy, it is helping to destroy the planet, and consigning its peasant faithful to miserable lives of poverty.
I relate to the more primitive aspect: the little old ladies praying in the pews with their rosaries; the mothers lighting candles for their soldier sons or sick relatives. This is behavior I can relate to. I may be different from them, but I'm still a primitive myself.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Adobe Water Tower
The tower is evidently pretty old -- most of the original plaster has fallen off, the wooden beams at the top are rotting, and water is eating into the adobe in a couple of spots. This tower deserves to be placed on a register of historical structures.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
In southern NM and wherever daytime winter temperatures usually get above freezing, a transparent cover is not necessary. An opaque lid is stronger and cheaper. Merely open the lid during the daytime and let the sun shine directly onto the plants. A well-designed coldframe is inexpensive, will last for years, and will quickly pay for itself with the winter veggies it produces. I highly recommend coldframes for gardeners who want year-round food production.