Friday, December 04, 2009

Winter Wonderland

I awoke this morning to an enchanting scene -- an inch of snow glistening in the moonlight.  I hope it melts quickly, but they're predicting a high of only 40 today.  They predicted the previous snow -- the one that produced 2 inches of rain -- nearly a week in advance, giving me plenty of time to get the roof and siding completed on my tool shed.  This time, there was no mention of precipitation 24 hours ago, and when I went outside last night at 10 pm I had to rescue my circular saw, which was already covered with snow.


I waded out there with my ruler and flashlight, and made my official measurements -- 17 degrees, and 1 1/4" of snow.  This has been our first measurable snow for awhile.  If it snowed like this in Las Cruces, there will be thousands of kids outside later this morning building tiny snowmen.