Saturday, April 04, 2009

Wild on the Mesa

Sometimes of an evening you can hear Kid and Mona howling together way back up on West Mesa. It’s not quite like the insane yapping and yodeling of coyotes, you can tell:

Because Kid and Mona play phase games with their beat frequencies.


Anonymous Jacques Conejo said...

I so appreciate your capacity to introduce an image, that a moment ago didn't exist, and while completely unrelated the preceding moment, seems so wholly viable and acceptable.

It's not really a red rubber ball moment, more like a mini-dream that "pops" into consciousness without resistance or justification, paints itself on the canvas of the fore-brain, then grins and disappears...

I much admire your ability to do that with such lean and suggestive imagery.

Thanks, those moments are so delightful...

Thanks Gordon...


7:22 AM  

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